Kemet 2nd Edition

Best 3-5 players, ~3.5+hrs + 30 minute setup + food time

Take aways
-One of the highest rated “armies on a map”, risk-style games
-Up to 4 different class upgrade paths

-Combat is not dice based, it deterministic: # of troops, special monsters abilities, bonus cards, + a set of 8 cards that are spent and recycled.
-Specialization is not overwhelming, as you can only buy upgrades if you have built a pyramid of the current color and level – up to 4 levels high

-Some say there is a gang up on the current leader effect towards the end-game

Spend your ankh “prayer” points each turn to recruit new armies, or build actually pyramid models on the board.  The higher the level of the pyramid (up to 4 levels), the more powerful skill cards you can buy to enhance your armies powers and movement.  You can even recruit miniature monsters to join your army and provides special powers and added strength to your troops – A Scorpion, war Elephant, or even a giant Scarab, and more. 

Win Conditions
-The first player to 9 “fame” points wins. But watch out your opponents can attack your base and temporarily steal some of your “fame” points, pushing your foe up to the 9 point fame limit for victory!
Points can be gained by:
-winning a battle
-building a full pyramid
-holding strategic temples or opponents temples with your troops for a round
-sacrificing troops at the temple of all gods

Players are forced to all chose different strategies to win, and there are few similar upgrades within each of the 4 color classes, creating dynamic game-play.

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